How Last flight handles your data
When you use our Site, we collect and store your personal information. We gather your personal information in order to record, support, and facilitate your participation in the activities you select, track your preferences, provide you with a customized Site experience, to notify you of any updated information and new activities and other related functions offered by last flight, keep you informed about latest content available on the Site, special offers, and other products and services of last flight, to assist you with customer service or technical support issues, to follow up with you after your visit, to otherwise support your relationship with last flight or to prevent fraud and unlawful use. For the aforesaid purpose, we only collect such personal information that we consider relevant to understand you or your interests.
In our mission to make commerce better for everyone on the last flight, we collect and use information about you.
Our values
Trust is the foundation of the Last flight platform and includes trusting us to do the right thing with your information. Three main values guide us as we develop our products and services. These values should help you better understand how we think about your information and privacy.
·Your information belongs to you
We carefully analyze what types of information we need to provide our services, and we try to limit the information we collect to only what we really need. Where possible, we delete or anonymize this information when we no longer need it. When building and improving our products, our engineers work closely with our privacy and security teams to build with privacy in mind. In all of this work, our guiding principle is that your information belongs to you, and we aim to only use your information to your benefit.
We protect your information from others
If a third party requests your personal information, we will refuse to share it unless you give us permission or we are legally required. When we are legally required to share your personal information, we will tell you in advance, unless we are legally forbidden.
·We help merchants and partners meet their privacy obligations
Many of the merchants and partners using Last flight do not have the benefit of a dedicated privacy team, and it is important to us to help them meet their privacy obligations. To do this, we try to build our products and services so they can easily be used in a privacy-friendly way. We also provide detailed FAQs, documentation, and whitepapers covering the most important privacy topics, and respond to privacy-related questions we receive.
Our Disclosure of your information
Your personal information is an important part of our business and we are not in the business of selling it to others. Last flight shares your personal information only to categories of persons that are either subject to this Privacy Policy or follow practices at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Policy as more particularly described below.
A. Where a user enters information on any form of an advertiser, the information is simultaneously collected by the Last flight and the advertiser. The information is used by Last flight in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy and is used by the advertiser as per the advertiser's prevalent privacy policies. Since we do not control the privacy practices of these advertisers, you should evaluate their practices before deciding to provide the said information.
B. Last flight may also use personally identifiable information in an aggregated form and disclose it to advertisers and other third parties for other marketing and promotional purposes.
Classifieds Listings
When a user lists a classified advertisement, and the advertisement receives an expression of interest from the interested user, the interested user will be provided the contact information of the user listing the advertisement as provided in the user's registration form.
Items and Services offered on the Site by third parties
There are certain items and services for which third parties request information to perform services on our behalf. (example: an image/picture for a customized mug/t-shirt). The information provided by the user for such purposes is simultaneously collected by the Last flight and the respective third party. This information is utilized by the third party in accordance with its privacy policy and the terms of the offer. Because we do not control the privacy practices of these third parties, you should evaluate their practices before deciding to use their services.
Internal Service Providers
We may employ third parties services to facilitate or outsource one or more aspects of the business, product, and service operations that we provide to you on the Site (e.g., search technology, discussion boards, bill collection, affiliate and rewards programs, co-branded credit cards) and therefore we may provide some of your personal information to these internal service providers. These internal service providers are subject to confidentiality agreements with us and other legal restrictions that prohibit their use of your personal information for any other purpose except to facilitate the specific outsourced service. In the event of your direct involvement with the internal service provider, any additional information disclosed by you to them shall be subject to the internal service provider's own applicable privacy policy and the Last flight shall not be responsible for the same.
Your rights over your information
We believe you should be able to access and control your personal information no matter where you live. Depending on how you use Last flight, you may have the right to request access to, correct, amend, delete, port to another service provider, restrict, or object to certain uses of your personal information (for example, direct marketing). We will not charge you more or provide you with a different level of service if you exercise any of these rights.
If you buy something from a Last flight-powered store and wish to exercise these rights over information about your purchase, you need to directly contact the merchant you interacted with. We are only a processor on their behalf, and cannot decide how to process their information. As such, we can only forward your request to them to allow them to respond. We will of course help our merchants to fulfill these requests by giving them the tools to do so and by answering their questions.
Please note that if you send us a request relating to your personal information, we have to make sure that it is you before we can respond. In order to do so, we may ask to see documentation verifying your identity, which we will discard after verification. If you are not happy with our response to a request, you can contact us to resolve the issue. You also have the right to contact your local data protection or privacy authority at any time.